Course Requirement for Christian Life Coach/Guidance Certification
Course Credit Hrs/
PS100 - Human Development 2
LC101 - Life Coaching Fundamentals 2
LC201 - Life Coaching Dynamics 2
LC301- Life Coaching & Spirituality 2
BI121 - Old Testament Survey 1 2
BI122 - Old Testament Survey 2 2
Job - Malachi
BI223 - New Testament Survey 2
TH200 - Comparative Religions 2
CO110 - Conflict Resolution 2
Elective TBD 2
Total credits 20 credits
Course Scope & Sequence for Christian Life Coaching Certification
PS100 - Human Development
BI121 - Old Testament Survey 1
LC101 - Life Coaching Fundamentals
LC201 - Life Coaching Dynamics
BI122 - Old Testament Survey 2
CO110 - Conflict Resolution
LC301 Life Coaching & Spirituality
BI223 - New Testament
TH200 - Comparative Religions
Cost Overview for the Certification Program
One time App fee $25
Registration/facility use fee $25 per trimester x 3 trimester
Tuition $130 per course (2 credit hours) x 10 courses
Textbooks* Varies (ranges from $12.00-45.00) per course
Graduation fee $75
Total cost for Life Coaching and Guidance Certification $1475 *plus textbooks