This section of the Institute's website is dedicated to providing students (current and potential) with copies of the course syllabus for each course, each trimester.
This allows for potential students to carefully consider their class selection/s and course requirements (papers, projects, etc.) before making their enrollment decisions.
Current students may have misplaced or lost their classroom copy of the syllabus; here they can print out another copy.
Winter Trimester 2018
Instructor: Dr. Ruth M. Wilkins
OT500-w: Biographical Studies of the Lives of the Patriarchs, Prophets, Priests, Kings and/or Villains.
This course introduces an in-depth study from Old Testament Scriptures of the lives of some of the Patriarchs, Prophets, Priests, Kings and Villains who God used in establishing the Nation of Israel and to whom He revealed Himself as the One and only true God. The study will exhibit and define the victories and pit-falls of these individuals who God used for examples to either follow their Godly leadership or to learn how to sidestep their mistakes.
Dr. Ruth M. Wilkins Email: cell: 678-570-7957
In dependence upon the Holy Spirit, this course is designed to inform, enlighten and further the student’s understanding of the background of the Leaders in the Jewish nation, as well as the historical evidence of what happened as a result of their decisions during the formative years recorded in the Old Testament. This study will provide the students Godly information as to how to view certain behaviors as either acceptable or unacceptable in the leadership of God’s People. At the end of the course, each student should be able to evaluate and defend how he or she would formulate a Godly ministry for the Lord Jesus in our society today.
Upon completion of the course the student should be able to accomplish the following:
1. Be able to quickly identify pitfalls that arise in ministry, and formulate wise and Godly principles of how to minister to His People in today’s world.
2. To give the Bible student a panoramic view of some of the leaders in Israel and how to sidestep some of their leadership choices, as well as to be able to develop constructive principles for ministry to those with whom God has given them in performing their ministry duties in today’s society.
3. Understand the interactive principles that God gave for His People to follow and exactly why they chose to follow their own ideas, together with the consequences their actions caused.
4. Demonstrate the ability to trace and develop Biblical teachings for becoming Godly examples for Christianity today, and why the student’s conclusions are a much more Godly perspective than what the leaders of the Old Testament followed.
5. Develop a deeper relationship with God through reverential study, meditation and application of the Scriptures to carry out the Christian’s Commission for the Church.
6. Be better able to understand the student’s purpose and responsibility in ministry and how to follow Biblical commands from former victorious examples.
7. After studying some of the blatant mistakes as well as the obedience some of God’s people displayed, the student will have a better understanding of how the body of believers should function today.
8. Have a balanced approach in one’s study of the Scriptures and be able to share the reason why the student believes and follows The Word of God rather than what Society dictates.
The John Phillips Bible Characters Series: Exploring the People of the Old Testament, Vols. One and Two, 2006; Vol. Three, 2007; Kregel Publications, Grand Rapids, MI 49501;
Leadership Roles of the Old Testament: King, Prophet, Priest, Sage, Marty E. Stevens, Cascade Books, 2012, Wipf & Stock Publishers, Eugene, OR 97401,
ADDITIONAL TEXTBOOKS – Not Required, but helpful
F. B. Meyer’s books
Joseph, 2001, AMG Publishers, Chattanooga, TN 37422; Abraham, 1999, Emerald House, Greenville, SC 29609;
Moses, 2014, Whitaker House, New Kensington, PA 15068;
David, 2014, CLC Publications, Fort Washington, PA 19034
Word Biblical Commentary, Ruth and Esther, Frederick Bush, Zondervan.
1. Read and be totally familiar with the Syllabus prior to the beginning of the Trimester.
2. Attendance: attend over Skype Internet all class lectures, maximum of two (2) absences are allowed.
3. Promptness is required: Roll will be taken at the beginning of each class period.
4. Take notes in class. The professor may give extra information and reading assignments.
5. Complete the required reading for each week.
6. Write the quizzes: periodic quizzes may be given on the covered material.
7. Submit assignments on the required dates: there will be a penalty for late submission.
8. Submit a 5-page, double-spaced Summary Essay of the course relating the value of this study to be turned in at the final session.
9. Write a midterm and final exam
1. Quizzes (3) 30%
2. Final Exam 30%
3. Attendance and Participation 10%
4. Summary Essay 30%
5. Extra Credit Assignment 15%
1. Two (2) absences are allowed for sickness or other extenuating circumstances. Beyond that the student must contact the Academic Dean and explain his/her situation.
2. The student must exercise promptness. Every two occasions for signing in late for class or leaving early from class will count as a 5-point deduction. This will be strictly enforced. The student should notify the professor if he/she will be late for class or must leave class early. The professor desires to be God-honoring and gracious at all times.
3. Class Etiquette:
o Exercise Christian deportment and behavior
o Be respectful at all times
o Keep your comments to the subject at hand
o Give others a chance to speak
o Do not interrupt when another person is giving his/her input
o There will be diverse opinions and ideas so respect the other person’s views
o Respect the diverse cultures
o Disruptive behavior is not taken lightly by the Institute
o Turn cell phones off
1. Any assignment not turned in by the stated date and time will incur a 5-point deduction per day for that assignment. Assignments a week late will not be accepted unless the student has made a prior arrangement with the professor.
2. Missed quizzes and exams are not recommended. If missed, the student should discuss with the professor the make-up date and time.
Week Date Class Lecture & Assignment
1 01/25/18 Course Introduction
Lecture on Joseph
2 02/01/18 Review of Assignment
Lecture on Abraham
3 02/08/18 Review Assignment Lecture on Moses
Homework: Study for Test
4 02/15/18 Quiz on First Three Patriarchs Review Assignment Lecture on Joshua
5 02/22/18 Review Assignment Lecture on Priests
6 03/01/18 Review Assignment Lecture on Prophets
7 03/08/18 Quiz on Lessons 4, 5 & 6 Review Assignment
Lecture on King David
8 03/15/18 Review Assignment Lecture on Ruth
9 03/22/18 Quiz on Lessons 7 and 8
Review Assignment Lecture on Daniel
Homework: Prepare for Final Exam
10 06/23/14 Review Assignment Lecture on Esther
Final Exam
Pick a Patriarch, King, priest, prophet, or other character in the Old Testament and write a 3-page, double-spaced essay evaluation of his/her pitfalls and victories, concluding how the student would have advised this character if he/she had been living and in ministry during that person’s time.
Due date: Submit this with Final Exam
98-100 A+
95-97 A
90-94 A-
87-89 B+
83-86 B
80-82 B-
77-79 C+
73-76 C
70-72 C-
67-69 D+
63-66 D
60-62 D-
0-59 F
Incomplete I
Withdrawal W/P (Passing)
Winter Trimester 2018
Instructor: Dr. Ed Bez
NT500-w Biographical Studies of the Movers and Shakers of the Early Church
A fascinating in-depth New Testament study of the movers and shakers of the early church and how God used, saint and villain alike them to establish His Church. This study will establish through their lives and leadership, evils to avoid and Godly principles to incorporate in ministry to a lost and dying world.
Meeting the New Testament characters, and experiencing them and their stories, helps us see “the story behind the story,” and challenge/change us too. Hearing about them is one thing. Hearing from them is quite another.
Dr. Ed Bez Email: cell: 352-301-1445
In dependence upon the Holy Spirit, this course is designed to inform, enlighten and further the student’s understanding of the background of the fascinating characters introduced on the stage of the New Testament, as well as the historical evidence of what happened as a result of their decisions during the formative years of Christianity recorded in the New Testament. This study will provide the students Godly information as to how to view certain behaviors as either acceptable or unacceptable in the leadership of God’s People. At the end of the course, each student should be able to evaluate and defend how he or she would formulate a Godly ministry for the Lord Jesus in our society today.
Upon completion of the course the student should be able to accomplish the following:
1. Be able to quickly identify pitfalls that arise in ministry, and formulate wise and Godly principles of how to minister to His People in today’s world.
2. To give the Bible student a panoramic view of some of the leaders of the early church and how to emulate or sidestep some of their leadership choices, as well as to be able to develop constructive principles for ministry to those with whom God has given them in performing their ministry duties in today’s society.
3. Understand the interactive principles that God gave for His People to follow and exactly why they chose to follow their own ideas, together with the consequences their actions caused.
4. Demonstrate the ability to trace and develop Biblical teachings for becoming Godly examples for Christianity today, and how the student’s perspectives have been informed by the exemplars of the New Testament.
5. Develop a deeper relationship with God through reverential study, meditation and application of the Scriptures to carry out the Christian’s Commission for the Church.
6. Be better able to understand the student’s purpose and responsibility in ministry and how to follow Biblical commands from former victorious examples.
7. After studying some of the blatant mistakes as well as the obedience some of God’s people displayed, the student will have a better understanding of how the body of believers should function today.
8. Have a balanced approach in one’s study of the Scriptures and be able to share the reason why the student believes and follows The Word of God rather than what Society dictates.
The John Phillips Bible Characters Series: Exploring the People of the New Testament, 2008; Kregel Publications, Grand Rapids.
1. Read and be totally familiar with the Syllabus prior to the beginning of the Trimester.
2. Attendance: attend over Skype Internet all class lectures, maximum of two (2) absences are allowed.
3. Promptness is required: Roll will be taken at the beginning of each class period.
4. Take notes in class. The professor may give extra information and reading assignments.
5. Complete the required reading for each week.
6. Write the quizzes: periodic quizzes may be given on the covered material.
7. Submit assignments on the required dates: there will be a penalty for late submission.
8. Submit a 2-3-page, double-spaced Summary Essay of the course relating the value of this study to be turned in at the final session.
9. Write a midterm and final exam
1. Quizzes 25%
2. Final Exam 30%
3. Attendance and Participation 15%
4. Summary Essay 30%
5. Extra Credit Assignment 15%
1. Two (2) absences are allowed for sickness or other extenuating circumstances. Beyond that the student must contact the Academic Dean and explain his/her situation.
2. The student must exercise promptness. Every two occasions for signing in late for class or leaving early from class will count as a 5-point deduction. This will be strictly enforced. The student should notify the professor if he/she will be late for class or must leave class early. The professor desires to be God-honoring and gracious at all times.
3. Class Etiquette:
o Exercise Christian deportment and behavior
o Be respectful at all times
o Keep your comments to the subject at hand
o Give others a chance to speak
o Do not interrupt when another person is giving his/her input
o There will be diverse opinions and ideas so respect the other person’s views
o Respect the diverse cultures
o Disruptive behavior is not taken lightly by the Institute
o Turn cell phones off
1. Any assignment not turned in by the stated date and time will incur a 1-point deduction per day for that assignment. Assignments a week late will not be accepted unless the student has made a prior arrangement with the professor.
2. Missed quizzes and exams are not recommended. If missed, the student should discuss with the professor the make-up date and time.
Week Date Class Lecture & Assignment
1 01/23/18 Course Introduction Lecture on A
Homework: B & C
2 02/30/18 Lecture on B - C
Homework: D - G
3 02/06/18 Lecture on D - G
Homework: H; Study for Test
4 02/13/18 Quiz on lectures 1, 2, 3 Lecture on H
Homework: J
5 02/20/18 Lecture on J
Homework: L & M
6 03/27/18 Lecture on L & M
Homework: N & P
7 03/13/18 Quiz on lectures 4, 5 & 6 Lecture on N & P
Homework: S
8 03/20/18 Lecture on S
Homework: T-Z
9 03/27/18 Quiz on lectures 7 and 8 Lecture on T-Z
Homework: Prepare for Final Exam
10 03/03/18 Techniques for Biographical Studies and Sermons
Final Exam
Pick either a lesser or unnamed character in the New Testament (not covered in the lectures) and write a 3-page, double-spaced essay researching and exploring the possible pitfalls and victories of that character, concluding how the student would have advised this character if he/she had been living and in ministry during that person’s time.
Due date: Submit this with Final Exam
98-100 A+
95-97 A
90-94 A-
87-89 B+
83-86 B
80-82 B-
77-79 C+
73-76 C
70-72 C-
67-69 D+
63-66 D
60-62 D-
0-59 F
Incomplete I
Withdrawal W/P (Passing)
Winter Trimester 2018
This course will explore the importance that it ‘still matters’ to live right in a world gone wrong. Looking closely at specific ministerial practices and biblical principles, ethical behavioral patterns of a minister of the Gospel of Jesus Christ will emerge. Regardless of cultural, economic, political, and religious pressures it is vitally important that God’s Called ministers maintain solid Biblical Ethics as leaders in the Christian community.A fresh look at the Ten Commandments will guide the course in its explorations of biblical ethics in the modern world
Dr. Tommy Snow
● Identify and pinpoint why ethical standards have suffered
● Using the Bible, textbook and other auxiliary information to explain what is really means to be ethical.
● Explain to others why the need to be ethical in this post-modern world is extremely critical
● Understand the Ten Principles that still governs behaviors from before the ancients until now.
● Know that putting God first in everything is the Master Key to life.
● Recognize “The Character Deficit” and what can be done about it.
● Recognize that an inept attitude toward this problem furthers decadence.
● to know what brings revival again.
● Sacred things are still sacred things.
Sinai Summit, Meeting God with Our Character Crisis. Rick Atchley
A Faithfocus Book, Sweet Publishing, Ft. Worth
Ethics And The Old Testament Second Edition
by John Barton
The Ten Commandments: A Study of Ethical Freedom
1. Read and be totally familiar with the Syllabus prior to the beginning of the Trimester.
2. Attendance: attend over Skype Internet all class lectures, maximum of two (2) absences are allowed.
3. Promptness is required: Roll will be taken at the beginning of each class period.
4. Take notes in class. The professor may give extra information and reading assignments.
5. Complete the required reading for each week.
6. Write the quizzes: periodic quizzes may be given on the covered material.
7. Submit assignments on the required dates: there will be a penalty for late submission.
8. Submit a 5-page, double-spaced Summary Essay of the course relating the value of this study to be turned in at the final session.
9. Write a midterm and final exam
1. Quizzes (3) 30%
2. Final Exam 30%
3. Attendance and Participation 10%
4. Summary Essay 30%
5. Extra Credit Assignment 15%
1. Two (2) absences are allowed for sickness or other extenuating circumstances. Beyond that the student must contact the Academic Dean and explain his/her situation.
2. The student must exercise promptness. Every two occasions for signing in late for class or leaving early from class will count as a 5-point deduction. This will be strictly enforced. The student should notify the professor if he/she will be late for class or must leave class early. The professor desires to be God-honoring and gracious at all times.
3. Class Etiquette:
o Exercise Christian deportment and behavior
o Be respectful at all times
o Keep your comments to the subject at hand
o Give others a chance to speak
o Do not interrupt when another person is giving his/her input
o There will be diverse opinions and ideas so respect the other person’s views
o Respect the diverse cultures
o Disruptive behavior is not taken lightly by the Institute
o Turn cell phones off
1. Any assignment not turned in by the stated date and time will incur a 1-point deduction per day for that assignment. Assignments a week late will not be accepted unless the student has made a prior arrangement with the professor.
2. Missed quizzes and exams are not recommended. If missed, the student should discuss with the professor the make-up date and time.
Week Date Class Lecture & Assignment
1 01/23/18 Course Introduction - The Quest for Character Lecture 1- Character Deficit
Homework: read chp 3, Atchley
2 01/30/18 Lecture 2- Putting God first
Homework: read chp 4
3 02/06/18 Lecture 3= Take God as He is
Homework: Study for Test and read chp 5
4 02/13/18 Quiz on First Three lectures Lecture 4- Respect what is Holy
Homework: read chp 6
5 02/20/18 Lecture 5- Seek rest with God
Homework: read chp 7
6 02/27/18 Lecture 6 - Make family a priority
Homework: read chp 8
7 03/0618 Quiz on Lessons 4, 5 & 6 Lecture 7 - Respect human life
Homework: read chp 9
8 03/13/18 Lecture 8 - Keep sex sacred
Homework: read chp10,11
9 03/20/18 Quiz on Lessons 7 and 8 Lecture 9 -Keeping things in perspective
Homework: Prepare for Final Exam and read chp 12,13
10 06/27/14 Lecture 10 -Tell the truth and be content
Final Exam
Due date: Submit this with Final Exam
98-100 A+
95-97 A
90-94 A-
87-89 B+
83-86 B
80-82 B-
77-79 C+
73-76 C
70-72 C-
67-69 D+
63-66 D
60-62 D-
0-59 F
Incomplete I
Withdrawal W/P (Passing)