Quest Bible Institute & Seminary (QBIS) offers four (4) programs of study:

Two (2) Advanced Theological Studies (ATS) Master's programs:

  • Master of Biblical Studies
  • Master of Theological Studies
One Ministerial Diploma Program (MDP)

One Specialty Gold Certificate Program - Flora of the Holy Land

MDP - Ministerial Diploma Program 

Our MDP program is designed to help prepare those that may feel a divine call into vocational ministry and those that simply desire to be better skilled and equipped as lay ministers. Students just seeking personal enrichment are also considered for enrollment in the MDP program. 

The (20) credit  or (10) course program is design to be completed over a two year period. Provided the student takes at least one course per trimester for 6 trimesters. The MDP does not require language studies.

We are on a quarter-term system; winter, spring and fall  Our quarters run eight (10) weeks followed by a significant break. Each QBIS course earns two (2) hours of credit.

Intensive Bible Seminars  (IBS)

Intensive seminars are periodically offered and at different venues.

Intensives are exactly what their name implies, intense and taught over just one weekend: 

  • Friday evenings (6:30-9:30 PM)  
  • Saturdays from (8:00 AM - 1:00 PM)

The intensives are two (2) hours of credit as well and are held live at a host sight; usually a church or Christian school.

Advanced Theological Studies 

Advanced Theological Studies (ATS) - Master's Level

Our ATS program is designed for those students who have completed any Post-secondary undergraduate studies, either an Associates or Bachelors, or five years of ministerial experience, that may feel a divine call to vocational pastoral or Christian educational ministry, and those students that  simply desire to be better equipped as ministers and Christian educators. Students that are just seeking personal enrichment are also considered for enrollment in the ATS program. 

The thirty (30) credit hour  program is design to be completed over a multiple year period. The pace is determined by the student.

Remember, our trimesters, winter, spring and fall are ten (10) week in duration usually followed by a significant break. 

Flora of the Holy Land - Gold Certificate Program


In this first lecture, we'll introduce you to the Holy Land - to its geography, geology, climate and vegetation. We'll also have our first look at the subject of Bible plants. How many plants feature in the Bible and why are there so many? How can we be sure of their identity? At the end of the lecture, you'll find a reading list, in case you want to learn more. 

The Galilee and Hula Valley

In this lecture, we're going to visit the lush mountains of the Galilee and the watery Hula Valley. Among the plants that you will meet are iconic Mediterranean oaks, the Carob tree, a bush associated with chastity as well as the sacrifice of Isaac, and the plants that featured in the story of Baby Moses and his basket. 

The Jezreel  Valley

In this lecture, we're going to visit the fertile plains of the Jezreel Valley, where we'll focus on crops that have been cultivated since ancient times. Among the plants that you will meet are wheat and barley (native to the Fertile Crescent), familiar herbs and spices in their wild form, and some of the thorns which appear so frequently in the Bible.

The Coastal Plain

In this lecture, we're going to visit the coastal plain, the most densely-populated area in Israel. Among the plants that you will meet are the Sycamore Fig, a stunning collection of local irises and a bush that yields chewing gum. Find out about the biblical Rose of Sharon and the Lily of the Valley.

Wild plants of Judea and Samaria 

In this lecture, we're going to explore the limestone ridge that cuts through the Holy Land, from north to south, focussing on biblical Judea. Meet the ancestor of the common lettuce (which also serves travellers as a compass); learn about the plants that inspired the shape of the Temple's Menorah; and meet the Mandrake - star of a famous biblical story about sisterly rivalry, and a plant beloved of Prof. Sprout in Harry Potter! 

Cultivated Plants of Judea and Samaria 

The companion lecture to the previous one on wild plants of Judea and Samaria, this focusses on the cultivated plants of this area, which include the olive, grape and fig, plus Plants of the Temple and a discussion about the identity of the Forbidden Fruit of the Tree of Knowledge.

Land of the Prophets: The Transition Zone

In this lecture, we're going into the transition zone, where the Mediterranean gives way to the desert. You'll learn how a variety of plants manage to survive in this arid, hostile environment. Among them are the White Broom, whose coals are a symbol for malicious gossip, and the Desert Rhubarb, which- remarkably - can irrigate itself.

40 Years of Wandering: The Dead  Sea and Extreme Desert

In this lecture, we're going down to the Dead Sea and into the extreme desert.  Among the plants that you are going to meet are the Rose of Jericho, the mysterious Balsam, the Date Palm and Sodom's Apple - find out how the latter got its name! And what was the Burning Bush....?

Plants, Festivals and Environmental Wisdom

In this lecture, we're going to learn about the connections between the Jewish festivals and the Holy Land's flora and agricultural cycle. We'll also look at some of the environmental wisdom of the Bible, which was way ahead of its time.

Carpets of  Flowers

In this, our final lecture, we're going to delight in carpets of flowers, looking at the annuals, bulbs and perennial plants that cover the Holy Land in spring. We'll also look at the vital work that the Jerusalem Botanical Gardens are doing to protect the Land of Israel's native species.


Dr. Robert Milikan, former President of the California Inst. Of Tech. And Nobel Peace Prize winner

“I consider an intimate knowledge of the Bible an indispensable quality of a well educated man.”