PT 333 - Spiritual Gifts and Assessment

Meet your Instructor: Dr. Tommy Snow 


Quest Bible Institute & Seminary

Spring trimester 2016

PT 333 - Spiritual Gifts and Assessment

Dr. Tommy Snow


Instructor contact info

Phone number and email: 770-639-6933;

Please note that I do not check my email every day, but you may send a txt.  Also, note that I do not always respond to texts, but I read them daily.


Spiritual Gifts and Assessment

Course Goals

To provide information essential for every believer who wants to know what his or her gift is and to use that gift in ministry! To help students realize that “motivational gifts” are precious and that it is vital for you to know yours to help you edify and build up the Body of Christ.

Course Objectives

This course will enlighten the student’s knowledge of each gift and will further their knowledge of the Gift Giver. Each gift will be explained to the fullest degree possible for maximum understanding.

·         Self-Assessment: Each student will gain adequate knowledge to help identify their gift and to understand and appreciate the gifts of others.

·         Skill Acquisition: The student will realize without a shadow of doubt that God is an awesome God and that it is His good pleasure to give good and perfect gifts to His children.

·         Individual Goal: To seek to know your God-given gift and to be willing to live a yielded lifestyle unto the Holy Spirit.

Teaching Methodology

The teaching method will be a combination of lecture, class discussion, and group exercises that may include the use of drama and roleplaying. Included is a detailed personal gifts assessment test that will be administered and results explained.

Course Overview

There are three main groups of inner gifts

In a study of spiritual gifts, it is helpful to recognize three types, or categories, of spiritual gifts that are described in Scripture. This course will explore these three and others that the student may not have been aware of.

·         Motivational Gifts: (I Corinthians 12:4) (Romans 12:3–8.)

·         Ministry Gifts: (I Corinthians 12:5) (Ephesians 4:11–13, I Corinthians 12:27–31.)

·         Manifestation Gifts: (I Corinthians 12:6-8)

·         Other Gifts

Course text

Discover Your Spiritual Gifts: Identify and Understand Your Unique God-Given Spiritual Gifts

By C. Peter Wagner. Chosen Books, 2012.

Course Procedures and Calendar


Week 1, April 14               Lecture - Introduction to Spiritual Gifts

Week 2, April 21               Lecture

Read Chapter 1:                Fast Track for discovering your Spiritual gifts

Week 3, April 28               Lecture

Read Chapter 2:                Being everything God wants you to be 

Week 4, May 5                  Lecture

Read Chapter 3:                How many gifts are there?

Week 5, May 12                Lecture

Read Chapter 4:                Four pitfalls to avoid

Week 6, May 19                Lecture

Read Chapter 5:                Clearing away the confusion

Week 7, May 26                Lecture

Read Chapter 6:                The five steps for discovering your Spiritual gifts

Week 8, June 2                 Lecture  

Read Chapter 7:                Let’s get started – Gifts assessment given

Week 9, June 9                 Lecture

                                             Gifts assessment results

Week 10, June 16             Lecture - Gifts assessment results- PT 2 and Final EXAM


Grading Policy per Student Handbook


95-100                                     A

90-94                                       A-

87-89                                       B+

83-86                                       B

80-82                                       B-

77-79                                       C+

73-76                                       C


70-72                                       C-

67-69                                       D+

63-66                                       D

60-62                                       D-

0-59                                         F

Incomplete                             I

Withdrawal while passing     W/P



Opportunities for extra credit 

Extra credit may be made available during the course. Check with instructor for details.

Attendance, class etiquette and class participation policies

Attendance will be taken every class.  Please be prompt; it shows a mature attitude to your class mates and professor that you value their time as much as your own.  Participate in class whenever the professor calls upon you for discussion.  Class etiquette would also involve silencing your phones from calls, texts, etc., however if you must make a contact with someone during class take your phone to the Student Lounge.  Bring a doctor’s excuse if you miss more than two (2) classes.

Policy for dealing with late submissions

A missed exam may only occur in unusual circumstances and must be discussed with the professor prior to test time.


There are none for this course.

Course Evaluation

A final evaluation of course material will be collected from students.




Discover Your God-Given Gifts, Revised and Updated Edition. Don Fortune, Katie Fortune

Chosen Books, 2009.

Discover Your Spiritual Gifts the Network Way.  Bruce Bugbee

Zondervan, 2004.

Ministering Through Spiritual Gifts: Recognize Your Personal Gifts and Use Them to Further the Kingdom. Charles F. Stanley

More in Life Principles Study Series

Thomas Nelson, 2010.

QBIS Collections

Brandt, R. L. Gifts for the Marketplace.

Christian Publishing, Tulsa, 1989.

Grudem, Wayne A. Are Miraculous Gifts for today?

Four Views series, Counterpoint.

Zondervan Publishing, Grand Rapids, 1996.

Hubbard, David A. The Holy Spirit in Today’s World.

Word Books, Waco, 1973.

Milsk, Nancy and Bill Bray. Empowered by God, Discover your Calling and Gifts.

Whitaker House, Springsdale, 1994.

Wigglesworth, Smith. The Anointing of His Spirit.

Regal Books, Ventura, 2004.